Nexus Farms and Consultancy
Nexus Farms and Consultancy is a revolutionary agricultural based company that is primarily focused on agricultural crop production which is in line with the agricultural revolution of the country. In addition, Nexus Farms also provides consultancy and extension services to prospective clients on different aspect of agricultural value chain from market survey, sales, feasibility studies to crop production, pest and disease management, post-harvest management as well as sales. We also work closely with farmers as facilitators of government and private sector-led intervention programs aimed at improving production and livelihood of farmers.
Farmers Gate Trading Nigeria LTD
Extension Services
Mamay Group
Climate Change, Agri-Tech and Digital Services, Marketing and Trade, Agrodealer and Inputs
Bunbazh Farm
Agribusiness SMEs, Food Safety, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Processing
Seelam And Joel Company Ltd
Mechanization, Others, Trade Facilitation and Agro-commodity Exchange