Blessed Allen Philanthropic Foundation
*``` * BLESSED ALLEN PHILANTHROPIC FOUNDATION* ```* is a non- profit organization with the main goal of reaching those in need. Our Focus is serving MANKIND in TOTALITY. *Our vision* is to build a healthy and prosperous society based on gender equality and equity in every walk of life by improving the lives of the poor through education, economic and social development programs. *Our mission* is committed to serving MANKIND by providing the basic amenities of life to the helpless and needy people of all communities irrespective of genders. *Thematic Areas:-* Health Education Environment General Protection Livelihood Disability Disaster Agriculture
Ihumure Centre
Agribusiness SMEs, Climate Change, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Processing
Geneplus Global Limited
Agribusiness SMEs, Livestock, Nutrition, Climate Change
Aas Techie
Training and Capacity Building, Extension Services, Financial Services, Food Business, Agrodealer and Inputs, Marketing and Trade, Mechanization, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Packaging and Storage, Processing, Research and Development, Agri-Tech and Digital Services, Trade Facilitation and Agro-commodity Exchange, Climate Change
Shanafrik Enterprise