Athanas Mbele
About Company
Registered in 2018 Taitan Farm Limited is the largest youth led mixed agriculture one stop shop in coastal Kenya, Taita Taveta, Wundanyi Town. We have 60 percent women and 80% youths among our 41 workforce and in leadership. We have driven strong partnership with private organizations, associations, non-governmental and governmental organizations to ensure that we impact the community first as we meet our investment returns goals. We seek to redefine agriculture through innovation, agro-processing, value chain expansion and quality services. We only what we have visibility of a steady market and we are sure of good returns. We drive our pride by demonstrating to youths how agribusiness can transform Africa, creating employment and offering farmer support and opportunities. We have created a community of over 1,400 that we provide direct mentorship on.
Taitan Farm, Kenyan Avocado Project
Taitan Farm Ltd
Focus Area
On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
Website / Social Media
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