Farmdel Logistics
Farmdel Logistics pioneers a transformative approach in the agricultural landscape, serving as a nexus between farmers and structured grain markets. Our innovative model goes beyond traditional logistics; we are a social investment committed to mitigating the impacts of climate change. By incentivizing farmers who adopt climate-resilient and conservation agriculture practices, we catalyze market growth. At Farmdel, we believe in rewarding sustainable practices with higher prices, promoting a harmonious coexistence between agriculture and the environment. Our village-based advisor model, inspired by the Agrarian Revolution in Africa, plays a pivotal role in identifying and supporting farmers embracing these practices. This not only ensures the adoption of climate-resilient methods but also facilitates the disbursement of adoption bonuses.
Ahnaf General Enterprises
On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
Rehobothsons Enterprises
Ged Agro Farming
Agribusiness SMEs, Agrodealer and Inputs, Agri-Food News and Media, Livestock