Geneplus Global Limited
GenePlus Global Limited, a Kenyan registered Agricultural Biotechnology Company, provides breeding and animal health services to enhance on-farm best practices and support sustainable agricultural production. The company leverages global partnerships to bridge the technology gap and advancements in agriculture to enhance access to new technologies for our farmers. At the moment, GenePlus is exclusive distributors of ABS Global (, a leading cattle breeding company the world, and BOC Kenya ( GenePlus has cultivated and refined vast experience in the provision of innovative breeding and animal health solutions that serve small, medium and large-scale farming enterprises in East Africa. Our solutions are delivered in form of Aides, Extension support, and Inputs. Through partnerships with development partners in both public and private sector, GenePlus
Socol Sarl: Société Des Céréales Et Oléagineux
Gido Farming
Joksveges Enterprises
Ibma Global Ventures