4tee Foods Products
4TEE Foods Products is located at Chilomoni Trading Centre in Blantyre. Its main core business is the production of delicious foods that provides the market with high quality, great taste, and nutritious products. Currently, it provides traditional hot sauces namely KAMBUZI and PIRIPIRI. In additional to Kambuzi and Piripiri hot sauces, the company also produces Vinegar. The company uses well graded bird’s eye chilies and Kambuzi in order to produce high quality chili sauces. The chilies are bought from local farmers from rural areas of Blantyre, Chiradzulu, Thyolo, Mulanje and Balaka.
Agribusiness SMEs, Agrodealer and Inputs
Gracias Te-va Ltd
Processing, Packaging and Storage, Nutrition
Fruitworks (pty) Ltd
South Africa
Ekmar Group Ltd