NGsnails is an Agribusiness enterprise involved in the production of healthy giant snails; using innovative farming techniques and scientific research work to solve the insecurity and scarcity that engulp the snail production sector in Nigeria. In the last 5 years, snail production through commercial farms have risen by 500%; but further industry analysis showed that the number of existing commercial snail farms across Nigeria is less than 200 snail farms with potential to rise by 2,000% by 2025 due to the demand for snail meat for both local consumption and slime production. With our team of young, innovative researchers; we are producing sustainable farming roadmaps that tackle snail mortality and improve the snail growth pattern in the snail production sector.
Happy Life Investments Company Limited
Agri-Tech and Digital Services, Branding, Climate Change, Food Business
Royal Sweet Generations Ventures
Transportation and Logistics, Marketing and Trade, Agribusiness SMEs, Research and Development
Tawonga Cooking Oil Processing Enterprise
Debjoch Real Vebtures