Versatile Health And Agro Allied Resources
EXECUTIVE SUMMARY Versatile Health and Agro-Allied Recourses (VHAAR) is an Independent Private owned business which is intended to be established and run on the proposal and approval. . It is intended to use modern methods and techniques of farming as in-depth technological methods of producing cheap and affordable feeds to the demanding populaces, considering the scarcity of feeds in general, and the population increase and the problems associating with getting feeds from the wild and pollution of the environment. The business which started with growing cassava for garri production on a commercial base, intend to build a cassava peel processing factory with two grating engine which will process cassava peels into livestock feeds that will stock 1.5 tonnes of the finished processed peeled products per day.
Masigcobe Farmers Farming Group Co-op
South Africa
Jimlat Agro Engr Limited
Agrohen Farm
Livestock, Storage, Retail
Shared Interest Society
Financial Services, Climate Change, Agribusiness SMEs, Processing