Gertrude Basorun

Bhg Farms And Agro-foods Ltd


About Company

BHG Farms and Agro-Foods Ltd. is a sustainable women-led agribusiness dedicated to helping busy households who love home-cooked Nigerian foods, reduce the stress of shopping and cooking, with our pack-to-pot foods. Starting as a homestead fish pond, our founder grew fish in ponds made from wood and tarpaulin in her backyard, offering quality table-size fish to customers and evolved into a fish processing concern. It is now a full-fledged food processing company, with 3 product lines under two registered trademarks - Tubees® and Tudish®, with products in the grains, aquaculture, and snacks value chains with mandatory certification (NAFDAC), and some international certifications. Mission: To disrupt the status quo in food handling practices, transform how we produce, handle, and distribute food; and enhance healthy living while reducing post-harvest losses and the climate impact of food waste through sustainable production. Vision: We envision a world where food-borne diseases are reduced to the barest minimum and optimum food safety is elevated to its rightful place

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