Minimex Ltd
Minimex Ltd is the largest producer of fine maize products in Rwanda. It is committed to play a central role as buyer of maize from Rwandan farmers, cooperatives and traders and as provider of healthy nutritional products to the population and institutions. Mission MINIMEX strives for the daily healthy nutrition of the people of (East) Africa with Africa's finest maize products.
Murripa Agrícola Ltda
Agribusiness SMEs
General farming
Mechanization, Financial Services, Marketing and Trade, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Packaging and Storage, Storage, Agri-Tech and Digital Services, Transportation and Logistics, Agri-Food News and Media, Trade Facilitation and Agro-commodity Exchange, Food Safety, Livestock, Agribusiness SMEs, Policy and Regulations
Yolele Foods
Training and Capacity Building
Food Business, Retail, Agrodealer and Inputs