At SPEKE FARMS, we are exploring the way to leverage the power of the internet and mobile technology with the use of USSD, Mobile apps, website, and social media platforms to provide direct market linkage between smallholder farmers and buyers(customers), provision of good agricultural practice and investment consultations through its online presence in Rwanda. Agriculture in Rwanda is performed by smallholder farmers where 84 per cent have smaller than two hectares. The agricultural market has not worked efficiently for these farmers, and lack of market linkage and extension and investment consultation has proved to be a key challenge for efficient market access. Smallholder farmers have the challenge of low taking risk capability, low investment, low productivity, weak market orientation, low-value addition and low margin. One of the key obstacles is an acute lack of market linkage that discourage farmers. Middlemen such as wholesaler, retailers, vendors bridge the gap between farms and markets and they get margins at every stage of the distribution chain, leaving very little for the farmers.
Bn 'uthman Integrated Resources Venture
Chi Enusonum Integrated Services
Toneb Farms Nig
Livestock, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Food Business, Retail
Afripolyculture Enterprise Pty Ltd
South Africa
Agribusiness SMEs, Livestock, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)