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Khamutima Tumwebaze

Young Farmers Champions Network


About Company

Young Farmers Champions Network (YOFCHAN) is a network of young Agri-entrepreneurs (14-40 years) working together to shape the future of agribusiness in Uganda. It was founded by a group of visionary youth who hustled their way to make it in agribusiness. Having started without the necessary business skills and capital to run a successful agribusiness enterprise, no clear agribusiness ideas amidst unreliable markets, in 2016, we launched Young Farmers Champions Network to support fellow youth with the necessary skills to run agribusiness enterprises, incubate their agribusiness ideas into viable businesses, link them to affordable finances and sustainable markets for them to embrace farming as a cool and profitable business. OUR VISION Sustainable Youth-Led Agribusiness Enterprises. OUR MISSION Enable youth-led Agribusiness ideas into sustainable agribusiness enterprises PROBLEM According to the 2015 Global Entrepreneurship Monitor (GEM) report, Uganda is ranked as the most entrepreneurial country globally yet 95% of these entrepreneurs businesses do not live beyond their first birthday. The entrepreneurs that set up these enterprises lack business management skills, capital and sustainable markets. Because the Uganda’s economy relies heavily on the agricultural sector, Most of these businesses registered lie along the agricultural value chain and are registered by young people. SOLUTION We promote development of small and medium agribusiness youth-led enterprises (SMEs) as the main vehicle for expanding agricultural production, providing sustainable jobs for the youth and enhancing economic growth through providing an integrated and comprehensive range of business support services for small and medium agribusiness youth-led enterprises.We discover emerging agriprenuers and invest deeply in the growth of their ideas.

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