Excel Bit Com Ltd
We an agribusiness company based in northern Ghana. We produce quality certified OPV maize seeds, hybrid maize seeds, Agra rice seeds, jasmine 85 rice seeds. We also provide mechanical services to farmers. We are into produce aggregation as well! We deal in agrochemicals and fertilizers as well. Our target is the small holder farmer. As such we provide them with extension services. We implore technology in agriculture, making farming more attractive to the youth.
Saveurs D'antan
Verub Consult
Agribusiness SMEs, Marketing and Trade, Trade, Branding
Ingachi Global Processing
Agrodealer and Inputs, Marketing and Trade, Mechanization, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Packaging and Storage, Processing, Research and Development
Real Wealth Builders Enterprises
Marketing and Trade, Agribusiness SMEs, Processing, Trade