Kreamit Milky Ltd
Kreamit milky Ltd is milk processing /production business founded as of 19th August 2019 to: 1. Promote food and nutrition security to the citizens of Kericho County and entire country of Kenya, increase small holder household incomes through purchase of raw, materials. 2. Process and market finished milk products and creation emplo opportunities for youth and women. 3. To ensure viability and growth of milk producers by converting surplus milk into other dairy products and ensure their marketing. Kreamit milky Ltd provides Fresh pasteurized milk, yogurt and fermented milk sold to hotels, hospitals, schools, retail businesses and households. With an entire addressable market of $43,000,000 growing by 4.5-5% annually,ining meaningful traction with customers and projects to cupture 40% of the market in the next 5 years.
Bethan Industries Limited
Riyden Trading Limited
Community Pro Venture
Ultra Coat Ventures