Horn Aroma Botanica
Horn Aroma Botanica (HAB) is a private trading company in a range of products and services with a focus on innovative and customer – friendly local and international commerce for national untapped resources and riches to new potential markets. The main business activities of the company include the sustainable harvesting, production and export of Frankincense, Myrrh and other aromatic and medicinal products as well conservation and farm acreage and other specialty and gums and resins, including but not limited to that certain parcel of land, value chains, and all facilities, infrastructure and improvements. With a vision to be a leader in national and regional natural herbal and aromatic products, we place more value on both people and the planet through fair trade, sustainable livelihoods, and employment for our people as well as sustainable management of our natural flora and fauna.
Hottadoz Agro-processing
Agribusiness SMEs, Processing, Nutrition, Packaging and Storage
Ngwedze Farm Produce
South Africa
Agri-Food News and Media, Agribusiness SMEs
Augustsecrets Nigeria
Etijay Enterprises