Silas And Co Farms
Located in the heart of the savanna grasslands and bushvelds Bela-Bela, Silas and Co Farms is a family owned enterprise dedicated to providing high-quality finished cattle and grass fed goats. With a commitment to animal welfare and sustainable farming practices, Silas and Co prides itself on delivering top-notch care and nutrition to ensure the health and well-being of all animals in its care. We are situated on a modest 21 Ha property, and is equipped with facilities to ensure optimal conditions for the animals. Our enterprise is currently centred to meet the needs of the Bela-Bela and Groblersdal population as well as communities in neighbouring provinces. We plan to expand to meet the needs of the country, consistently distributing good quality products to all nook and corner of South Africa.
Agroasys Company Limited
Agri-Tech and Digital Services, Food Safety, Trade Facilitation and Agro-commodity Exchange, Trade
Farmz2u Startup Limited
Agri-Tech and Digital Services, Agribusiness SMEs, Research and Development
Ulamas Global Enterprises
Sure Grow Happy Farmers International Limited