Food-Water Quality Actors
We offer food testing of agricultural products and finished products to ensure compliance with established standards, promotion of climate-resilient agri-food system through consultations, farming and assisting in identification of good seedlings for agricultural farming. We also carry out community and social campaigns to inform food vendors and the general public about the need for food testing and the usage of approved and healthy packaging products.
Provision Farms And Foods
Agribusiness SMEs, Livestock, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Agrodealer and Inputs
Ajmal Farm Enterprises
Agrodealer and Inputs, Marketing and Trade, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Processing, Agri-Tech and Digital Services
Centre For Rural And Integrated Development Of Kwilu
Congo (DRC)
Agribusiness SMEs
Central African Republic (CAR)
Agribusiness SMEs, Nutrition, Trade, Food Safety