Greenhive Innovations
In the heart of the Masaiti district, Green Hive Innovations was born from the roots of Mailo, an association dedicated to curbing deforestation. The district faced rampant deforestation for charcoal production.We knew there was a way to harmonize the environment with economic growth. That's why we turned to beekeeping, a sustainable treasure that not only protects the trees but also enriches the lives of our local farmers. Today, we proudly stand with nearly 500 families, each one empowered to grow and prosper through beekeeping.Our mission doesn't stop here. We're on a journey to paint Zambia green and forge international alliances for a planet where bees and humans thrive side by side
Majestrix Industries Limited
Samloveth Versatile Biz Enterprises
Livestock, Trade, Agribusiness SMEs
Osomobegbe Global Ventures
Keynath Luxurometrices