Machi Earth Foods LTD
Machi is a food innovation company, elevating the utilization of Bambara Nuts, a "future 50 foods' due to it's nutrient profile and environmental benefits. Our Bambara Nuts which are sourced from smallholder farmers in rural areas are processed into packaged, desirable products that are nutrient dense, wholesome, delicious and with zero additives. Currents products Include Machi Bambara Bake Mixes in 4 flavors, Bambara Nuts, Bambara Beans, Bambara Flour.
Zahari Farm
On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Agribusiness SMEs
Vegetable & Plastic Gold Company
Congo (DRC)
Training and Capacity Building, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Retail, Climate Change, Food Safety
Mifam Farms Limited
Zohee Foods