Pop & M Agro-tech
Pop & M Agro-Tech is basically into catfish farming. We produce edible table-sized catfishes, which are sold fresh and also processed (smoked) for packaging and exportation. Other services rendered by Pop & M Agro-Tech are: sales and supplies of rice, sales and supplies of catfish & chicken feed, merchant sales for other farmers, productions and constructions of all sizes of earthen, concrete and tarpaulin ponds, production of maggot protein for local feed makers and consultancy services in fish farming.
Golan Helps Initiatives
Gnantranga Food Hub Production
Agribusiness SMEs, Livestock, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Training and Capacity Building
Soupah Farm-en-Market Limited(Soupah Fresh)
Transportation and Logistics
Agrodealer and Inputs, Trade, Processing, Others