Shirlam Investment Limited
Shirlam Investment Limited is an Agribusiness Company that grows, aggregates, processes and exports sweet potato related products. The company works with small holder farmers in Western Kenya to ensure fresh and traceable sweet potatoes are sourced from local farmers. Sweet potato ranks third in terms of popular food crops after maize and Irish potatoes, indicating that the crop is grown mainly for commercial purposes rather than for home consumption. With our combined management of aggregation centers across the region and Value-Addition facilities, Shirlam Investment Limited is able to reliably supply the major markets domestically and internationally. We operate under the product name Zen Havenn.
Gic Agro Organique Kd
Food Business, Agrodealer and Inputs, On-Farm Production (crops, livestock), Packaging and Storage, Research and Development, Retail, Agri-Tech and Digital Services, Nutrition, Food Fortification, Climate Change
Aben Connect Limited
Forest Fruits Limited