Africa Improved Foods
Africa Improved Foods (AIF) is a public-private partnership involving DSM, Government of Rwanda, IFC, CDC Group and FMO. AIF provides a scalable and sustainable solution to malnutrition via local production of highly nutritious foods. AIF is a social enterprise and embedded in its business model is a comprehensive strategy to reduce poverty, create jobs and address stunting and malnutrition through partnerships with nonprofit institutions, such as WFP & Governments, as well as making affordable commercial products for the mass market. Ultimately, AIF makes nutritious fortified foods in Africa for Africa with the objective of ending malnutrition
Tik Lolly Farms To Plate
Frecha Milling Group Limited
Taura Decent Global Company Nig Ltd
Agrodealer and Inputs, Packaging and Storage, Storage, Agribusiness SMEs
Mir Ishaq Enterprises Limited