Entreprise Ottoro
The company OTTORO is an operational company registered with the Ministry of Commerce under the RCCM number: CA/BG/2024A727, currently in the implementation phase. The company OTTORO is an agribusiness company specialized in beekeeping. Its main activities include the production specialty in rural areas, processing, and marketing of honey, pollen, beeswax, and all related products. It is based on a sustainable development approach that aims to reconcile economic growth objectives, environmental protection, and the promotion of human rights, particularly regarding food insecurity, poverty, and women's empowerment in areas affected by deforestation. The company's product, honey and its derivatives, can help address these issues by creating employment opportunities, offering quality consumer products, providing natural and sustainable products that enhance health and well-being.
Judick'agro Business Center
Zikpak Coconut Plantation
Somma’s Yummies Baby Food
Bova Aventura