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Decree n ° 75-527 Regulating Establishments of Exploitation in Matters of Breeding and Animal Industries.

This decree regulates the operation and control of operating establishments in matters of breeding and animal industry, and in particular: non-traditional large livestock farms, intensive small livestock farms of a commercial nature, establishments operating in the treatment, processing, consumption, storage, and sale of products or by-products of animal origin as well as the establishments for the exploitation of sea fishing products and those for the manufacture of products intended for to feed domestic animals. The creation of these establishments requires a cremation authorization and a certificate of conformity relating to the installations. Apart from these facilities, the sale of meat and fish in urban centers can only be done in approved municipal facilities. The control of these installations is carried out by means of inspections by control officers and an annual report presented by the operators of the establishments. This decree also requires authorization for the import and export of breeding animals, animal seeds, hatching eggs, or chicks. Likewise, the import or export of animal or fishery products and by-products, food of animal origin, and of by-products intended for the feeding of domestic animals is subject to authorization, unless otherwise agreed. Without prejudice to criminal penalties

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