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Intra-African Agriculture Trade Improvement Scorecards Indicator Descriptions Summary

In June 2014, African Union member states committed to a set of goals in the Malabo Declaration aimed at boosting intraAfrican trade in agricultural commodities and services by 2025. Point V of the Malabo Declaration lays out the goals in detail:  To triple, by the year 2025, intra-African trade in agricultural commodities and services.  To create and enhance policies and institutional conditions and support systems.  To simplify and formalize the current trade practices.  To fast-track the establishment of Continental Free Trade Area (CFTA) and transition to a continental Common External Tariff (CET) scheme.  To increase and facilitate investment in markets and trade infrastructure.  To promote and strengthen platforms for multi-actors’ interactions.  To strengthen and streamline the coordination mechanism that will facilitate the promotion [of an] African common position on agriculture-related international trade negotiations and partnership agreements. (Source: Malabo Declaration, 2014, pg. 4).

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