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USAID Kenya Agricultural Value Chain Enterprise: Feed the Future

The USAID-Kenya Agricultural Value Chain Enterprises (KAVES) project’s goal is to increase the productivity and incomes of smallholders and other actors along the value chain, thereby enhancing food security and improving nutrition. The Ministry of Agriculture’s goal is to improve the livelihood of Kenyans and ensures food security through the creation of an enabling environment and ensuring sustainable natural resource management. It is envisaged that the project will contribute to this strategy and raise incomes of rural households. The project will make interventions that rectify specific constraints and inefficiencies in the production, processing, and marketing of 10 value chains; maize, Irish potato, sweet potato, banana, sorghum, pulses, groundnut, French beans, mango and passion fruit. FCI is currently providing cross-cutting market development and business development services to KAVES partners and targeting smallholder farmers operating within the USAID designated ‘Feed the Future’ Focus Counties to increase the volume of production of selected value chains marketed through existing trading routes, collection centres, or other aggregators of commodities for domestic markets in the KAVES value chains. FCI is further expected to increase the volume of production of selected value chains marketed through existing trading routes, collection centres, or other aggregators of commodities for domestic markets in the KAVES Value Chains.