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Positioning of African Farmers Organizations in the Context of the AfCFTA

In regard to agriculture, intra-African agricultural trade is particularly underexploited owing to high import tariffs, other non-tariff barriers (such as health and safety standards), low productivity, and a lack of rural connectivity. So, the AfCFTA is expected to among other solutions rectify this and encourage intra-African agricultural trade for food products and for inputs as raw materials in agro-industries. In this light, this study commissioned by the Pan African Farmers Organization (PAFO) articulates on how best to position African Farmers Organizations (FOs) networks in the context of the AfCFTA. The focus of the study is to assess the extent of involvement by the African FOs in the negotiations process and how best to build the capacities to fully participate in the implementation of the AfCFTA for the benefit of the African farmers in particular.

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