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Strengthening Capacity of Selected Member Countries of East African Community in Agricultural Statistics for Food Security; Kenya, Burundi Uganda

This project will contribute to regional integration and effective implementation of the Agricultural and Rural Development Strategy of the East African Community and Food Security policies in member countries (with a focus on Burundi, Kenya, and Uganda) through availability and access to relevant, harmonized and reliable data on food and agriculture within a sustainable agricultural statistics system. This will be achieved through:  Contribution to CountrySTAT phase 2 by developing CountrySTAT in Burundi, a RegionSTAT at EAC Secretariat, consolidating CountrySTAT in other countries and harmonizing data across all EAC countries  Development of food security indicators and monitoring system in Kenya and Uganda (Supply Utilization Accounts and Food Balance Sheet, deriving food security indicators from Household surveys) and producers price monitoring system  Strengthening of technical capacity of national staff in five EAC countries and at EAC Secretariat through training on concepts, definition and advanced methodologies for data collection.  Ensuring better integration of Agriculture into National Statistical Systems in Burundi and Kenya through the development of Agricultural Sector Strategic Plans for Statistics and their integration into National Strategy for development of Statistics.

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