African Food Changemakers News
Request for Proposal (Video Production for E-Learning Portal)

African Food Changemakers is seeking to engage the service of a creative media production firm to develop media content for our e-learning portal. The firm will primarily assist with video creation, editing and mixing as well as providing voiceovers.
The training curriculum consists of six modules of about 20 – 25 recorded training sessions (video recordings) which will be mixed and edited. These training videos will be recorded by trainers online via Zoom. The LMS learning portal will also include introductory videos and audiovisual content, guiding participants through the relevant processes/courses as applicable.
The key function of this engagement is to create engaging audiovisuals to provide a world-class learning experience for the learners.

Scope of Work
The firm will produce:
• A world-class welcome video highlighting the program overview.
• Introductory videos for all six modules with voiceover and visuals describing the learning objectives of each module.
• Training videos, each up to 20 - 25 minutes long from 20 – 25 pre-recorded training sessions, which are to be mixed and edited with relevant audio-visual content.
Additional Information
• The training content will be provided by African Food Changemakers including voiceover script, PowerPoint presentation, and pre-recorded videos.
• The media company is at liberty to source stock images as long as they are approved by African Food Changemakers prior to use. Such material sourced online shall take into consideration the sector and region in which African Food Changemakers operates.
Responses to this RFP must include:
• Technical Proposal including the approach and methodology that would be utilized in carrying out the work requirements.
• Budget including a detailed breakdown of costs in Naira associated with the activities outlined in the scope of work.
For enquiries and proposal submissions: brace@afchub.org using the subject CALL FOR PROPOSAL

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