African Food Changemakers News
AFC's Agrifood Inaugural Webinar Series

AFC, Africa's foremost advocate for agrifood innovation, recently concluded its groundbreaking Agrifood webinar series held from January 29th to February 2nd, 2024. This annual flagship event is a pivotal gateway to innovation, insights, and collaboration in the agrifood sector.

The series brought together thought leaders, experts, and influencers from Africa's agricultural and food industry to delve into innovative solutions, connect with industry pioneers and fellow changemakers, and contribute to shaping the future of African agriculture and food security. It provided a platform to share insights and foster collaboration, addressing the challenges and opportunities within the sector.

The 5-day event featured luminaries such as Aisha Hadejia, Daniel Alberts, Monica Musonda, Jose Carlos Santos, Anas Bachar, Omar El-Naggar, and many other distinguished leaders, showcasing expertise and experience.

Structured regionally, each session delved into pertinent themes tailored to the unique challenges and opportunities within Africa's diverse agricultural landscape:

- West Africa: Building Sustainable Agribusiness Models - Balancing Profitability and Environmental Impact.

- East Africa: Building and Scaling Successful and Sustainable Agribusiness in East Africa.

- Central Africa: Market Trends and Agrifood Opportunities - Identifying Profitable Pathways for Growth.

- North Africa: Driving Green Growth, Innovation, and Sustainability in the North African Agribusiness Landscape.

- Southern Africa: The Future of Food in Southern Africa - Unlocking Opportunities for Global Impact. 

With a focus on collaboration and knowledge sharing, AFC's inaugural Agrifood webinar series underscored the organization's dedication to driving sustainable change across the continent. As Africa's agrifood landscape evolves, AFC remains at the forefront, catalyzing innovation and fostering dialogue to nourish Africa's future.

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