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agribusiness smes (75 Results)
Agribusiness SMEs
Impact of COVID-19 on Nigerian MSMEs
NigeriaFATE Foundation & BudgeIT

FATE Foundation in partnership with BudgIt Nigeria designed and disseminated a survey to better understand the impact of the COVID-19 pandemic on Nigerian Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises (MSMEs) businesses in Nigeria with the goal of engaging rel...

Agribusiness SMEs
Nigeria in Times of COVID-19: Laying Foundations for a Strong Recovery
NigeriaWorld Bank Group

Nigeria’s economy was still recovering from the 2016 recession when the COVID-19 pandemic emerged in early 2020. The collapse of global oil prices in 2014–16, combined with lower domestic oil production put the brakes on economic activity. Although N...

Agribusiness SMEs
Oil Palm Industry: Reviving the Nigerian Oil Palm Economy
NigeriaAgra innovate

Oil palm is a typical crop of the rainy tropical lowlands that requires a deep soil, a relatively stable high temperature and continuous moisture throughout the year. Processing oil palm fruits for edible oil has been practiced in Africa for thousand...

Agribusiness SMEs
The Yam Value Chain: Challenges and Strategies In Overcoming Constraints
NigeriaAgra innovate

Yam (Dioscorea spp) is the second most important tuber crop in the whole world after cassava, in terms of production. They form an important food source in other tropical countries including East Africa, the Caribbean, South America, India and South...

Agribusiness SMEs
Cashew Processing and Its Economic Potential
NigeriaAgra innovate

Cashew is a seasonal fruit grown in Kaduna, Abia, Kogi, Enugu, Kwara, Oyo, Niger, Imo, and Abuja FCT Nigeria. Nigeria produces 98,291MT nuts with shell with an approximate average yield of 0.84MT/Ha. It is a succulent one, though it is highly perisha...

Agribusiness SMEs
Investment in Agriculture: The Pathway to Economic and Industrial Growth
All CountriesAgra innovate

Agriculture has gone beyond farming; it is now a business that accommodates lots of players, because of the need for food for human consumption, raw materials for industrial growth and jobs for the growing population of our youths. Agriculture is now...

Agribusiness SMEs
Developing the Agricultural sector via Technology & The Impact on Farmers Livelihood
All CountriesAgra innovate

Agriculture is continuously changing through innovation in science and technology. However, the agriculture industry continues to be called upon to produce more with finite resources. A major way to improve traceability, sustainability, and quality o...

Agribusiness SMEs
ECOWAS Countries Policy On Food Imports: Focus On Nigeria
NigeriaAgra innovate

Nigeria is currently Africa's largest producer of oil and relies on the sale of crude oil for about 90% of its foreign-exchange earnings. As a way of diversifying the country's economy and reducing its dependence on oil, policies aimed at stimulating...

Agribusiness SMEs
Outlook for Agriculture in 2020: Impact of Border Trade on Agribusiness in Nigeria
All CountriesAgra innovate

Boosting agricultural production has been a focus in Nigeria, a net food importer, over the past few decades to spur economic growth in a country that is very dependent on its petroleum exports for revenue. Nigeria spends an average of US $22 billion...

Agribusiness SMEs
Top 5 proven Ways to Reduce Heat Stress in Poultry
All CountriesIsrael Alabi

This article discusses the approved methods that anyone can implement immediately. Without proper management, heat stress can undermine the productivity of your poultry birds and reduce your profits greatly.

Agribusiness SMEs
Feeding Africa's Fast-Growing Cities
All CountriesAGRA

Africa’s cities currently provide the largest and most rapidly growing agricultural markets in Africa. Out of total urban food sales of roughly US$200 to US$250 billion per year, over 80% comes from domestic African suppliers. In the coming decad...

Agribusiness SMEs
Agriculture as a Buffer in COVID-19 Crisis: Evidence from Five Sub-Saharan African Countries
All CountriesWorld Bank

Countries in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) have not been spared from the negative impact of the COVID-19 crisis. Articulating a policy response to the impact of COVID-19 requires understanding how and which households have been impacted and if households...