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food safety (104 Results)
Food Safety
Impact of ongoing conflict and pathways to recovery in Sudan: Agricultural bounce-back, infrastructural investment, and social protection
SudanSiddig, Khalid; Thurlow, James; Ahmed, Mosab; Rand...

The study also seeks to identify effective recovery pathways that can mitigate the adverse impacts of the conflict, with a particular focus on the role of the agricultural sector.

Food Safety
Options for reducing greenhouse gas emissions from agriculture and food systems
All CountriesWill Martin and Rob Vos

Food systems generate about one third of global greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions. Without reducing them, it will not be possible to stabilize the climate and keep the increase in global temperature below 1.5oC from preindustrial levels.

Food Safety
Matching cereal and legume crop varieties to production environments in Northeast Nigeria using Decision Support Tools (DST)
NigeriaMatching cereal and legume crop varieties to produ...

This book is intended to guide farmers, extension personnel, agriculture students in higher institutions, researchers, and other development projects on the improved varieties of legumes and cereals to use or promote in Northeast Nigeria, especially...

Food Safety
Boosting the contribution of diaspora to agribusiness
All CountriesFAO

Boosting diaspora's contribution to agribusiness is one of the priorities of FAO’s work on rural migration. It aims to help migrants and diaspora contribute resources and skills to rural areas and support agro entrepreneurs through mentorship, coachi...

Food Safety
Illicit Trade in Food and Food Fraud
All CountriesWTO

Addressing food fraud is crucial to ensure the safety, integrity and fairness of the global food supply chain – all of which are critical to achieving the United Nations Sustainable Development Goals.

Food Safety
Papua New Guinea rural household survey (2023): Synopsis of selected results
GuineaSchmidt, Emily; Yadav, Shweta

IFPRI implemented the 2023 PNG Rural Household Survey which was designed to understand rural livelihoods and welfare across different areas of PNG (Schmidt et al., 2024).

Food Safety
Africa - Regional Overview of Food Security and Nutrition 2023
All CountriesFAO, AUC, ECA and WFP

The present edition of the report presents the latest analysis of the prevalence and trends in undernourishment, food insecurity, and malnutrition.

Food Safety
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World 2024

The indicators of progress towards global nutrition targets similarly show that the world is not on track to eliminate all forms of malnutrition (SDG Target 2.2). Billions of people still lack access to nutritious, safe and sufficient food.

Food Safety
Food Outlook – Biannual report on global food markets June, 2024.
All CountriesFAO

FAO’s latest forecasts point to increased production and higher stocks for several basic foodstuffs. The summary section is available in Arabic, Chinese, French, Russian, and Spanish

Food Safety
All CountriesFortfied-Whole Grain-Alliance

A simple shift from refined grains to fortified whole grains would not only produce more nutritious food for billions of people without increasing production costs, but also help towards the reduction of malnutrition and hunger. This shift would save...

Food Safety
Resilient Food System Field Visit To Upper Tana-Nairobi Water Fund. UTNWF
KenyaResilient Food System

On 8 June 2023, participants of the Resilient Food Systems Programme Final Workshop visited field sites hosted by the Upper Tana-Nairobi Water Fund (RFS Kenya).

Food Safety
Resilient Food Systems 2022 Programme highlights
All CountriesResilient Food Systems

In 2022, the RFS programme made significant progress toward enhancing the long-term resilience and sustainability of smallholder farming systems.