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nutrition (121 Results)
2019 – The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI): Safeguarding against economic slowdowns and downturns
All CountriesFAO

SOFI 2019 confirms a rise in world hunger for a third year in a row. There were 821 million chronically undernourished people in the world last year, up from 811 the previous year. One in nine people in the world now faces hunger. Africa is the regio...

Productive Diversification in African Agriculture and its Effects on Resilience and Nutrition
Sub-Saharan AfricaKray, Holger A.; Heumesser, Christine; Mikulcak, F...

The agriculture sector in Sub-Saharan Africa (SSA) remains the backbone of national economies, sustaining rural and urban livelihoods alike, and providing food and income for the majority of households. Recent agriculture growth in Sub-Saharan Africa...

Food Diversity and Nutritional Status in School Children in Morocco
MoroccoYoussef Aboussaleh, Ahmed O. T. Ahami, Mohamed Afe...

In Morocco about 20 % of children under the age of 15 years are stunted or delayed in growth. Dietary quality is much associated with dietary diversity. Recent FAO/WHO recommendations emphasized food diversification intake to combat many nutrition re...

Integration of Water, Sanitation, Hygiene, and Nutrition Programming Associated with Lower Prevalence of Child Stunting and Fever in Oromia, Ethipoia
EthiopiaJennifer Head

The difference in prevalence of undernutrition and two-week disease history in women and children in Oromia, Ethiopia was compared between two intervention groups: nutrition only (comparison group) and integrated water, sanitation, and hygiene (WA...

Effectiveness of the Women's Development Team Leaders in Delivering Nutrition Education on Pulse Sprouting in Southern Ethiopia
EthiopiaAbinet Hailu

Effectively implemented nutrition education can provide participants with the knowledge and skills to make healthy food choices in the context of their lifestyles and economic resources. In Ethiopia, the government equips health extension workers...

Agriculture for Improved Nutrition: Seizing the Momentum.

This book highlights the important links between agriculture and nutrition, both direct and indirect, both theoretical and practical. It explores these relationships through various frameworks, such as value chains, programmes and policies, as wel...

Moving toward Nutrition-sensitive Agriculture Strategies and Programming in Ethiopia
EthiopiaAnne Bossuyt

This chapter begins with a discussion of Ethiopia’s various nutrition-related indicators, which show the persistence of child and adult malnutrition, despite some progress. It discusses the major programs and policies that have been launched...

The Influence of Women Empowerment on Child Nutrition in Rural Nigeria

In Nigeria, the low status of women and inflexible gender gaps contribute to weak dietary diversity and chronic child malnutrition. Child malnutrition is persistent,despite several interventions which fail to capture the need to empower women to i...

Commercial Snack Food and Beverage Consumption Prevalence among Children 6–59 Months in West Africa
EswatiniNordhagen, S., Pries, A.M., and Dissieka, R.

Consumption of commercial snack food and beverage products among infants, young, and school-aged children may have negative effects on child nutritional outcomes, as these foods are typically dense in energy but not in micronutrients. However, there...

Traditional Malian Solid Foods Made from Sorghum and Millet Have Markedly Slower Gastric Emptying than Rice, Potato, or Pasta
MaliCisse, F., Erickson, D.P., Hayes, A.M.R., Opekun,...

From anecdotal evidence that traditional African sorghum and millet foods are filling and provide sustained energy, we hypothesized that gastric emptying rates of sorghum and millet foods are slow, particularly compared to non-traditional starchy foo...

Food Consumption, Knowledge, Attitudes, and Practices Related to Salt in Urban Areas in Five Sub-Saharan African Countries
Sub-Saharan AfricaLeyvraz, M., Mizéhoun-Adissoda, C., Houinato, D.,...

High salt intake is a major risk factor of hypertension and cardiovascular disease. Improving knowledge, attitudes, and practices (KAP) related to salt intake in the general population is a key component of salt reduction strategies. The objective of...

Adequacy of Some Locally Produced Complementary Foods Marketed in Benin, Burkina Faso, Ghana, and Senegal
BeninDimaria, S.A., Schwartz, H., Icard-Vernière, C., P...

Adequate complementary foods are needed to help reduce the high prevalence of stunting in children in many Low and Middle Income Countries (LMICs). We assessed the availability, affordability, and nutrient adequacy of imported and locally produced pr...