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Value Chain
Food trade in East Africa during the month was characterized by trade deficits across major commodities in all the AGRA-focus countries. Most countries had trade deficits with a few countries recording exports. Import dependency was high in the whe...
The common bean, Phaseolus vulgaris, and white- or yellow-fleshed sweet potatoes, Ipomoea batatas, are widely grown in Uganda as both food and cash crops. Beans and sweet potatoes are common staples in Uganda, providing hearty, affordable nourishm...
Given that coffee production is generally a labour and natural intensive activity, growth in the coffee sector is arguably promising in terms of generating higher and inclusive growth. However, currently climate change and population growth are pushi...
Value chain development is increasingly perceived as an important approach for agricultural development in developing countries. This paper uses a Rural Investment and Policy Analysis (RIAPA) model for the mainland Tanzania economy to identify the...
In developing countries, where agriculture is a major economic sector, value-chain development is expected to contribute to high-level outcomes. In this paper, we aim at quantitatively assessing the value-chains which will be the most effective at...
Agricultural transformation is a decades-long process which involves modernization of on-farm production, shifting production towards more value addition.
This report reaffirms the need for significant improvements in soil fertility and fertilizer application that take into account Ethiopia’s varied agro-ecologies, soil, and climate.
Agriculture is a core driver of Ethiopia's economy, supporting 85 percent of the population's livelihoods, and accounting for 46 percent of gross domestic product, and 80 percent of export value. Given the significant current and future role of the...
This report provides an analysis of the critical role of pulses in agricultural production as a driver for economic growth and food security. Pulses, which occupy approximately 13 percent of cultivated land and account for approximately 10 percent...
This report reaffirms that maize continues to be a significant contributor to the economic and social development of Ethiopia. As the crop with the largest smallholder coverage at 8 million holders (compared to 5.8 million for teff and 4.2 million...
Agriculture is a key driver of Ethiopia’s long-term growth and food security. Agriculture directly supports 85 percent of the population, constitutes 43 percent of Gross Domestic Product (GDP), and 80 percent of export value. Nearly 16 percent of G...