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livestock and small ruminants (55 Results)
On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
How Accurate are Yield Estimates from Crop Cuts? Evidence from Smallholder Maize Farms in Ethiopia

Agricultural statistics and applied analyses have benefitted from moving from farmer estimates of yield to crop cut based estimates, now regarded as a gold standard. However, in practice, crop cuts and other sample-based protocols vary widely in the...

On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
Trade-offs and Synergies Associated with Maize Leaf Stripping Within Crop-Livestock Systems in Northern Ghana

The accessibility and availability of forages is a common concern in crop-livestock systems in West Africa; however, options to increase forage production may entail trade-offs within the farm system that can be challenging to quantify explicitly.

On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
Are the Drivers of Production and Sales of Maize, Groundnut, and Soyabean by Farming Households in Malawi Changing? Analysis of Recent Household Surveys

By directing increasing shares of their farm production to the market and, thereby, realizing greater incomes, farming households can accelerate local rural economic development. In this study, we examine household and spatial factors that may drive...

On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
Farm-Level Effects of the 2019 Ghana Planting for Food and Jobs Program: An Analysis of Household Survey Data

Ghana’s rising population, coupled with erratic weather patterns and soil nutrient deficiencies, pose a significant challenge to food crop production. In responding to universal calls for actions to end poverty, the Government of Ghana (GoG) launched...

On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
The Future of Small Farms: Innovations for Inclusive Transformation
All CountriesIFPRI & UN Food Systems Summit 2021

By 2050, the United Nations projects that 68 percent of the world population will live in cities (UN DESA 2019). However, with continuous population growth, the number of people living in rural areas of many lowand low-middle-income countries (LMICs)...

Policy and Regulations
Law No. 13/2005 Approving the Animal Health Basic Legislation.
Sao Tome and PrincipeDiário da República

This Law approves the Animal Health Basic Legislation. This Legislation, consisting of 7 Titles, divided into 164 articles, regulates the sanitary and veterinary norms to perform animal production and carry out epidemiological controls on animal dise...

Policy and Regulations
Order n ° 040 / M / SG / DSTM / SHS of February 29, 2000 Prohibiting the Transport of Meat, in Non-Regulatory Vehicles within the Urban Perimeter.

It is strictly forbidden to transport meat for consumption in vehicles discovered inside the urban perimeter.

Policy and Regulations
Law nº 9 / PR / 2004 Organizing the Sanitary Police and Collective Prophylaxis of Diseases Deemed Legally Contagious of Animals on the Territory of the Republic of Chad.

This law establishes the list of diseases deemed to be legally contagious and fixes the collective prophylaxis measures and those to be taken in the event of infected animals as well as the penalties provided for the various offenses.

Policy and Regulations
Law No. 65-61 Regulating Breeding in the Central African Republic.
Central African Republic (CAR)Official Journal of the Central African Republic

This law governs breeding in the Central African Republic. It includes 42 articles divided into 6 titles, in particular zootechnical improvement and livestock development (Title II); animal feed; surveillance (Title III) and maintenance of animal hea...

Policy and Regulations
Decree n ° 75-527 Regulating Establishments of Exploitation in Matters of Breeding and Animal Industries.

This decree regulates the operation and control of operating establishments in matters of breeding and animal industry, and in particular: non-traditional large livestock farms, intensive small livestock farms of a commercial nature, establishments o...

Policy and Regulations
Law nº 2000/017 Regulating Veterinary Health Inspection.

This law establishes the attributions and the operating methods of the Veterinary Health Inspectorate in Cameroon. Indeed, the sanitary inspection is all the measures taken, with regard to animals, products of animal or fishery origin and their deriv...

Policy and Regulations
Law No. 4/04 on Animal Health.

This Law, composed of 36 articles and one Annex, rules on production, traffic, import, and export of animal and their related products for all animal health concerned aspects. In particular, the Law defines contagious diseases and applicable preventi...