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On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
The Nigerian Dairy Sector

This newsletter analyses the opportunities and challenges in the dairy sector

Research and Development
Climate Change and Agriculture in Africa
North AfricaSahel

This newsletter provides insights into food and conflict confronting the continent as a result of climate change. Also, various innovations and initiatives being implemented across the world to curb climate change are profiled in this edition.

Nigeria's Mechanization Landscape

This newsletter documents key mechanization-led productivity and efficiency gains and potential scaling for agricultural transformation in Nigeria.

Research and Development
Driving Innovations in Smallholder Engagement
Sub-Saharan AfricaI. Van Der Velden

This report presents findings and best practices from idh’s innovating partners with regards to empowering farmers through service delivery, while generating sustainable returns to their businesses. Learn more about their models’ drivers of farmer re...

Agri-Tech and Digital Services
2017–2018 YOUTH THINK TANK REPORT: Building Inclusive Agricultural Technologies for Young People
North AfricaYouth Think Tank in Africa

Policymakers and development practitioners have become increasingly enthusiastic about the ability of emerging technologies to unlock the potential for agriculture in Africa. While these technologies are both creative and compelling, few sector exper...

Research and Development
Structure, Conduct and Performance of Maize Markets in Malawi: Synopsis
MalawiInternational Food Policy Research Institute

This policy note summarizes Working Paper 29 (Ochieng et al., 2019), which investigates the SCP of Malawi’s maize market during the 2018/19 main marketing and lean seasons and provides policy suggestions on how to improve Malawi’s maize marketing sys...

Research and Development
Effect of Changes in Population Density and Crop Productivity on Farm Households in Malawi
MalawiAdam M. Komarek and Siwa Msangi

This study examines the ex‐ante farm‐household effects of changes in family size, yield potential, and yield gaps using a farm‐household simulation model that reflects the economic and biophysical conditions of central Malawi. Disparities between gro...

Research and Development
Stories of Change: Rwanda: Understanding the Drivers of Stunting Reduction Among Rwandan children from 2005 to 2015
RwandaGayathri V. Ramani, Jessica M. Heckert, Ara Go, El...

Despite significant progress, childhood stunting is still a serious public health concern in Rwanda. To make further progress in reducing child stunting it is essential to understand the context-specific drivers of stunting to devise strategies to ad...

Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050 – Livestock Sector Development in Asia and Sub-Saharan Africa – A Comparison of Environmental Impacts
Sub-Saharan AfricaFood and Agriculture Organisation of the United Na...

Africa Sustainable Livestock 2050 (ASL2050) is drawing lessons out of the past growth of the livestock sector in Asia to assist countries in the African continent to formulate policies that ensure a sustainable growth of livestock, from an environmen...

Ethiopia and FAO Partnering to Achieve Sustainable Agricultural Growth, Food and Nutrition Security
EthiopiaFood and Agriculture Organisation of the United Na...

Ethiopia has been an FAO member since 1948. In 1981, FAO opened a representation in Addia Ababa, which today hosts the Organization’s Subregional Office for Eastern Africa. Interventions are wide ranging, including support to policymaking and sustain...