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Exports in Ethiopia increased to 1176.90 USD Million in the second quarter of 2021 from 883.10 USD Million in the first quarter of 202. Ethiopia main exports are gold (21 percent of total exports) and coffee (19 percent). Others include: live animal...
Plantain and banana are important fruit crops cultivated mainly in the southern part of Nigeria. They constitute a source of livelihood for millions of people within the production zone. Marketing plays a central role in the distribution of plantain...
Every year, Euromonitor International identifies emerging and fast-moving trends that are expected to gain traction in the year ahead. These trends provide insight into changing consumer values, exploring how consumer behaviour is shifting and causin...
The Alliance for Green Revolution in Africa (AGRA) has been the lead implementing partner in Tanzania for the maize component of the YieldWise Food Loss Reduction Initiative (YWS) supported by the Rockefeller Foundation between 2016 and 2019. The ini...
This post is written by the Feed the Future Bangladesh Livestock Production for Improved Nutrition Activity. The pandemic that unfolded in Bangladesh in March 2020 has affected all lives and sectors. However, small and medium-sized enterprises have...
(Cross-post from IFPRI.org) As food systems in developing countries change rapidly, one important trend is the growing role of modern supermarkets in urban food retailing, with far-reaching implications for food marketing and human health. To investi...
Agriculture in Africa has a massive social and economic footprint. More than 60 percent of the population of sub-Saharan Africa is smallholder farmers, and about 23 percent of sub-Saharan Africa’s GDP comes from agriculture. Yet, Africa&rsqu...
Seasonal analysis of the structure, conduct, and performance (SCP) of markets for staple crops has received relatively little attention in food policy analysis yet it has important implications for food and nutrition security. This study employs a mi...
Limited market information and market access are two major obstacles to increased smallholder farmers’ income in Tanzania. Formation of a farmer organization is one way to overcome these challenges by improving access to markets while reduci...
Purpose: Several development organisations have implemented programs to enhance smallholder farmers’ crop productivity and market access through collective action with mixed results. Therefore, this study examines the drivers of success of collective...
With over two billion people in the world living in smallholder settlements and depending on agriculture as their main source of income, boosting agricultural productivity has never been more important. However, for smallholder farmers in the develop...