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3 Ways To Transform Agriculture In Africa
Sub-Saharan AfricaIbrahim Mayaki CEO, New Partnership for Africa...

The economic outlook for Sub-Saharan Africa for 2016 gives room for cautious optimism. A 4.7% increase in GDP across the region in 2016 has been higher than expected. However, the World Bank warns that low commodity prices and high borrowing costs...

Big Data And Smart Farmers For Africa’s Agricultural Transformation
All CountriesForbes Africa

Why data could be the deciding factor in Africa’s agricultural transformation. The world has a palm oil problem. It’s a global, billion-dollar industry and its end result is irreversible environmental damage, ranging from deforestation and fires, t...

Africa Agriculture Status Report 2020 - Feeding Africa's Cities
All CountriesAGRA

Africa’s cities currently provide the largest and most rapidly growing agricultural markets in Africa. Out of total urban food sales of roughly US$200 to US$250 billion per year, over 80% comes from domestic African suppliers. In the coming decad...

On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
African Coffee Production—Opportunities and Challenges
All CountriesGro Intelligence

Ethiopia currently sits as the world’s sixth largest coffee producer. The industry employs approximately 15 million people and accounts for 28 percent of the country’s total annual exports. Arabica coffee originated in Ethiopia, and consumers know th...

Research and Development
Responding to Jordan’s Drought and Water Scarcity with Behavioral Change
All CountriesInternational Water Management Institute (IWMI)

Improved irrigation and agricultural practices are touted as efficient ways to mitigate drought impacts. Paradoxically, that may not be the case in Jordan, where the use of state-of-the-art irrigation technology by commercial farmers in the East has...

Research and Development
Efforts to Develop High-Yielding, Striga-Tolerant Maize Seed is Bearing Fruit
All CountriesJoshua Masinde

Striga — an invasive parasitic weed with purple-colored flowers — looks striking and harmless. But beyond that mark of beauty is a nutrient-sucking monster that stunts crops such as maize and sorghum, leaving affected farmers counting losses. Witc...

Research and Development
Increased Fish Intake Improves Brain Development for Young Children
KenyaKristen Dechert

This post is by Kristen Dechert and Melissa Chapnick and originally appeared on the Feed the Future Innovation Lab for Fish website. Dechert is the marketing and communications manager at the Fish Innovation Lab and is based at Mississippi State Univ...

Training and Capacity Building
Practical  Approaches to  Youth and  Women’s  Inclusion in  Market  Systems
All CountriesFeed the Future Advancing Women’s Empowerment (AWE...

In our recent webinar discussing the findings from the Feed the Future Advancing Women’s Empowerment (AWE) landscape analysis and case studies on women and youth inclusion in agricultural market systems, we were joined by RisiAlbania and ELAN RDC, tw...

Agribusiness SMEs
3 Marketing Factors for Animal Source Food System Success
All CountriesThe Feed the Future Enabling Environment for Food...

The Feed the Future Enabling Environment for Food Security (EEFS) project recently launched an analytical guidance document identifying the enabling environment factors that drive animal source food (ASF) market system success in terms of economic gr...

Being the Agile Boss MIT 2020
All CountriesLinda A. Hill

Leading in late 2020 means carving a new path through an epic disruption precipitated by the COVID-19 pandemic, which has spawned health, economic, and social crises that have rendered the best-laid plans useless. With no roadmap for the marathon ahe...

Agri-Food News and Media
Annual Report 2019
All CountriesCGIAR

As the largest network of agricultural research organizations in the world, CGIAR is uniquely positioned to be a thought leader and global convener on the use of big data and information technology in agriculture. The CGIAR Platform for Big Data i...

COVID-19: Shocks on Nutrition and Potential Mitigation USAID Guiding Principles and Recommendations
All CountriesUSAID

This document was developed under the auspices of USAID’sNutrition Leadership Council (NLC). It summarizes the likely impacts of the COVID-19 crisis on nutrition and proposes guiding principles for priority actions during the response and recovery ph...