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food safety (104 Results)
Food Safety
Food Crisis In The Central Sahel – CRIALCES Project Factsheet
Burkina FasoWFP

CRIALCES is an innovative approach to improving nutrition by strengthening national food systems in volatile settings. This factsheet explains how the project improved the nutritional status of women and children in the targeted areas, while reversin...

Food Safety
Global Report On Food Crises
All CountriesFSIN

By mid-2022, the magnitude and severity of acute food insecurity in countries/territories with available data reached alarming levels, but better analysis is needed in more places to ensure a full understanding of global needs. In 2021, the populat...

Food Safety
Hunger Hotspots FAO‑WFP Early Warnings On Acute Food Insecurity October 2022 To January 2023 Outlook
All CountriesFAO, WFP

The Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations (FAO) and the World Food Programme (WFP) warn that acute food insecurity is likely to deteriorate further in 19 countries or situations – called hunger hotspots – during the outlook period f...

Food Safety
Food Safety In The Time Of COVID-19
All CountriesFAO

Specific information about the virus responsible for COVID-19 is and remains scant; however, the behaviour and characteristics of the virus can be predicted based on data from similar viruses such as those responsible for Severe Acute Respiratory Syn...

Food Safety
Tracking Progress On Food And Agriculture-Related SDG Indicators 2022
All CountriesFAO

As the world enters the third year of the COVID-19 crisis, it is evident that after years of progress, development has been halted or even reversed across several domains. While the world was off track from meeting the Sustainable Development Goals (...

Food Safety
Africa Agriculture Status Report: Accelerating African Food Systems Transformation
All CountriesAGRA

The report highlights six megatrends shaping the development of agrifood systems in Africa that warrant greater attention by stakeholders. It examines the role of leadership in harnessing collective effort, shared responsibility, greater stakeholder...

Food Safety
Country Gender Assessment Of The Agriculture And Rural Sector: Egypt

The purpose of the Country Gender Assessment of Agriculture and the Rural Sector (CGA-ARS) is to expand the evidence base on gender, agriculture, rural development, food security and nutrition, and inform the programming of the Food and Agriculture O...

Food Safety
Bioenergy And Food Security (BEFS) Assessment – Seychelles

A sustainable and stable energy supply is essential for a country’s stability and wellbeing. Seychelles, like many small island developing states (SIDS), currently depends on imported energy, in the form of fossil fuels. The high dependence on fossil...

Food Safety
WFP Strategic Plan 2022-25
All CountriesWFP

WFP’s Strategic Plan (2022-2025) sets the organization’s course for the next four years – outlining the many ways for WFP, working in synergy with others, to most efficiently and effectively save and change lives. It is grounded within renewed global...

Food Safety
Global Food Security Crisis And The Impact Of The War In Ukraine
All CountriesMadhur Gautam, The World Bank, Agriculture and Foo...

Six months later, the war in Ukraine rages on, with devastating effects on the prices of food, fuel and fertilizer. The war has supercharged the longer-term trends driving up poverty and hunger, such as the COVID-19 pandemic and climate change. A sli...

Food Safety
Assessing The Impacts Of The COVID-19 Pandemic On The Livelihoods Of Rural People
All CountriesSitko, N., Knowles M., Viberti, F., Bordi, D.

In this paper we focus specifically on differences in the welfare impacts of COVID-19 on rural livelihoods between countries using nationally representative data that we disaggregate by food system typology. This typology captures key structural diff...

Food Safety
A Blueprint For Strengthening Food System Resilience In West Africa
All CountriesFAO, World Bank, CGIAR, CILSS, ECOWAS, CORAF and C...

This report provides an overview of food system resilience in West Africa, examining three mutually reinforcing and interconnected priority areas for intervention at the region; Strengthening the Sustainability of the Food System’s Productive Base: C...