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Research and Development
Food coping strategies in northern Ghana. A sociospatial analysis along the urbanrural continuum
GhanaChagomoka, T. Unger, S. Drescher, A. Glaser, R. Ma...

Background: Food insecurity is a worrying challenge worldwide, with sub-Sahara Africa most affected. Literature reveals that in developing countries, food insecurity is a largely ‘‘managed process’’, meaning people are active participantsn in respond...

Effect of the nutritional perception of traditional vegetables on the production decisions of smallholders in Tanzania
TanzaniaAfari-Sefa, V. Rajendran, S. Kessy, R.F. K.D. Kara...

The world has arrived at a critical crossroads in the effort to promote food and nutrition security. Globally, several attempts are underway to mitigate the scourge of malnutrition due to unhealthy and imbalanced diets. There is increasing political...

Research and Development
Genetic diversity of Fusarium oxysporum f. sp. cubense in East and Central Africa
Central African Republic (CAR)Karangwa, Patrick Mostert, Diane Ndayihanzamaso, P...

Banana Fusarium wilt is a major production constraint globally and a significant threat to the livelihoods of millions of people in East and Central Africa (ECA). A proper understanding of the diversity and population dynamics of the causal agent, Fu...

Research and Development
Connecting genebanks to farmers in East Africa through the distribution of vegetable seed kits
Sub-Saharan AfricaStoilova, Tsvetelina van Zonneveld, Maarten Rootha...

Genebanks explore new partnerships with farmers and other user groups to provide smallholder farmers in Africa better access to crop diversity for improved nutrition, climate change adaptation and agricultural diversification. This paper shows how th...

Research and Development
Long-term spatial-temporal trends and variability of rainfall over Eastern and Southern Africa
South AfricaMuthoni, Francis Kamau Odongo, Vincent Omondi Ochi...

This study investigates the spatial-temporal trends and variability of rainfall within East and South Africa (ESA) region. The newly available Climate Hazards group Infrared Precipitation with Stations (CHIRPS-v2) gridded data spanning 37 years (1981...

Research and Development
Nutritional yield of African indigenous vegetables in water-deficient and water-sufficient conditions
Sub-Saharan AfricaLuoh, J.W. Begg, C.B. Symonds, R.C. Ledesma, D. Ya...

Water scarcity in certain regions of sub-Saharan Africa impacts agricultural production while prolonging dry seasons, and contributing to food insecurity and malnutrition. The objectives of the study were to evaluate the nutritional yield (edible yie...

Effect of leaf harvest on grain yield and nutrient content of diverse amaranth entries
TanzaniaDinssaa, F.F. Yang, R.Y. Ledesma, D.R. Mbwambo, O....

Amaranth (Amaranthus spp.) is a popular crop grown throughout sub-Saharan Africa, where both the grain and leaves are consumed. Amaranth cultivars that offer multiple options to small-scale farmers to produce high foliage yields, high grain yields, o...

Gender, vegetable value chains, income distribution and access to resources: Insights from surveys in Tanzania
TanzaniaFischer, G. Gramzow, A. Laizer, A.

In sub-Saharan countries, male farmers are frequently seen as producers of cash crops and marketable vegetables, while female farmers are perceived as producers of food crops for home consumption. Few authors have tried to validate this perception of...

Research and Development
The State of Food Security and Nutrition in the World (SOFI): Safeguarding against economic slowdowns and downturns
Sub-Saharan AfricaFAO

SOFI 2019 confirms a rise in world hunger for a third year in a row. There were 821 million chronically undernourished people in the world last year, up from 811 the previous year. One in nine people in the world now faces hunger. Africa is the regio...

Training and Capacity Building
Scale Up! Entrepreneurs’ Guide to Investment in Kenya
KenyaAnton Root, Head of Research (AlliedCrowds)

All over the world, entrepreneurship is increasingly being recognised as a key driver of job creation and economic growth. Successful entrepreneurs are celebrated as luminaries, and the entrepreneurial mantra of accepting and learning from failure i...

Financial Services
Crowdfunding in Emerging Markets: Lessons from East African Startups
Sub-Saharan AfricainfoDev

In the past 10 years crowdfunding – raising monetary contributions from a large number of people, typically online, to fund a project or venture – has evolved into a $16 billion market. It is growing around 300 percent per year1 and is concentrated...

Research and Development
Gender differences in Agricultural Productivity in Cote d’Ivoire : Changes in Determinants and Distributional Composition over the Past Decade
Cote d'IvoireDonald, Aletheia; Lawin, Gabriel; Rouanet, Lea

This paper analyzes changes in agricultural productivity gender gaps in Côte d’Ivoire between 2008 and 2016 using decomposition methods. The analysis finds that the unconditional gender gap between male- and female-headed households has decreased by...