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Research and Development
Agribusiness is Sub-Saharan Africa
Sub-Saharan AfricaAlemayehu Konde Koira

This paper is provides guidance for those seeking impact in the field of agriculture and youth development in Africa. It defines key terms and concepts, and highlights promising initiatives and projects that develop durable livelihood opportunities f...

Research and Development
Synopsis: Transforming Agriculture for Improving Food and Nutrition Security Among Nigerian Farm Households
NigeriaOlivier Ecker, Patrick Hatzenbuehler, and Kristi M...

The launch of the Agricultural Transformation Agenda (ATA) by the Nigerian Federal Ministry of Agriculture and Rural Development (FMARD) in 2011 represented a shift in strategy toward increasing the agricultural sector share of the Nigerian economy....

Research and Development
IFPRI in Africa
Sub-Saharan AfricaInternational Food Policy Research Institute

IFPRI IN AFRICA: For over 40 years, IFPRI has worked with partners in Africa at the country, regional, and continental levels to provide cuttingedge, policy-relevant research on food and nutrition security for policy makers, development partners, and...

Methodology for Developing and Evaluating Food-based Dietary Guidelines and a Healthy Eating Index for Ethiopia: A Study Protocol
EthiopiaTesfaye Hailu Bekele, Jeanne JHM de Vries, Laura T...

Food-based dietary guidelines (FBDGs) are used to promote and maintain healthy eating in a population, by providing country-specific guidance. However, many African countries like Ethiopia do not have FBDGs. This paper describes the methodology for t...

Extension Services
Geography of Public Service Delivery in Rural Ethiopia
EthiopiaGashaw T. Abate, Mekdim Dereje, Kalle Hirvonen, an...

Remote areas are often characterized by lower welfare outcomes due to economic disadvantages and higher transaction costs for trade. But their worse situation may also be linked to worse public service delivery. Relying on large household surveys in...

Research and Development
Developing Agricultural Value Chains
GhanaShashidhara Kolavalli

This chapter examines and compares four important but different types of value chains in Ghana: two export crops—cocoa and pineapples, and two import-substitution crops—rice and tomatoes. Apart from cocoa, these crops have under-exploited opportuniti...

Research and Development
Ghana’s Agricultural Transformation: Past Patterns and Sources of Change
GhanaPeter Hazell, Xinshen Diao, and Eduardo Magalhaes

The future sustainability of the current patterns of agricultural growth is constrained by the availability of remaining virgin and fallow land for future expansion of the cropped area. As the land frontier runs out, farmers will need to shift toward...

Research and Development
Bringing Dead Capital to Life – What Nigeria Should Do

The report focuses on how dead capital particularly real estate and land can be leveraged for growth and creation of wealth in Nigeria

Soybean: On Becoming a Highly Coveted Crop
NigeriaSahel Consulting Agriculture & Nutrition

In Nigeria, the consumption of soybean has increased over the years driven by the poultry, fishery and edible oil industries. Between 2012 and 2020, the Federal Ministry of Agriculture of Nigeria forecasted a growth of 51% for the fishery industry...

Unpacking the Complexity of Improved Nutrition in Ghana
GhanaIFPRI and University of Ghana

Two new research initiatives have commenced in Ghana. These are ‘Stories of Change in Nutrition in Ghana’, and ‘Leveraging Food Systems for Improved Nutrition in Ghana’. Both have been initiated by the International Food Po...

Nutrition Policy in West Africa – Evidence Note
West AfricaAnna Vanderkooy, Roos Verstraeten, Ampa Dogui Diat...

This brief summarizes nutrition-relevant policies, strategies, and action plans in West Africa. With a focus on the six nutrition challenges that make up the World Health Assembly global targets, we examine: i) nutrition context, policy objectives...

Country Data Profile – Burkina Faso
Burkina FasoTransform Nutrition West Africa

This data profile from Transform Nutrition West Africa on Burkina Faso aims to: Summarize all available primary data sources and secondary data aggregation platforms for key nutrition indicators representative at the national level. Assess the id...