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The role of Nigerian agriculture in West African food security
Sub-Saharan AfricaDr. Raphael O. Babatunde

Ensuring food security remains a major challenge confronting West African countries1. Though food production has increased in the recent past, the region as a whole is not likely to meet the first Millennium Development Goal (MDG) of halving the numb...

Sub-Saharan AfricaStaatz, J. and F. Hollinger

Fueled by a burgeoning population, urbanisation and income growth, West African food demand is rapidly transforming, with striking increases in total quantities demanded, growing preference for convenience, diversification of diets towards more per...

Training and Capacity Building
Growing inclusive agri-food value chains benefitting African famers and SMEs- African Agribusiness Development Programme Toolkit
Sub-Saharan AfricaMarije Boomsma, Remco Mur, Ellen Mangnus (Royal Tr...

African Agribusiness Supplier Development Programme As part of its mandate, UNDP’s African Facility for Inclusive Markets (AFIM), has developed an African Agribusiness Supplier Development Programme (AASDP) in support of the AU and CAADP’s agricul...

Marketing and Trade
Agricultural Value-added Services (Agri VAS) Toolkit 2.0 How to design, develop and market next generation VAS for the rural market
Sub-Saharan AfricaDaniele Tricarico (GSMA mNutrition) with the suppo...

With over two billion people in the world living in smallholder settlements and depending on agriculture as their main source of income, boosting agricultural productivity has never been more important. However, for smallholder farmers in the develop...

Research and Development
Integrated Water Management in Tunisia: Meeting the Climate Change Challenges
TunisiaNizar Dr. Omrani, Mohamed Ouessar

As a southern Mediterranean country, Tunisia is located under an irregular climate. With a mean annual rainfall of 230 mm, the country sustains a water scarcity context. While the present annual water resource average is estimated to be 450 m3 per ca...

On-Farm Production (crops, livestock)
Land conflicts and land tenure effects on agriculture productivity in Chad
ChadDjimoudjiel Djekonbe, Tchoffo TAMEKO Gautier

The objective of this article is to measure the extent of land conflicts and climate change on agricultural and yields in the most conflict-prone regions in Chad. By analyzing data from 2000 to 2017 thanks to OLS, we obtained the results that the int...

Research and Development
Hydro-climatic variability and agricultural production on the shores of Lake Chad
ChadErik Nilsson, Stefan Hochrainer-Stigler, Junko Moc...

The purpose of this study is to present and analyze previously unpublished quantitative agricultural data for the area on the shores of Lake Chad in Chad, and explore its relations to hydro-climatic factors (lake levels, rainfall and temperature). Th...

Research and Development
Strontium Content in Sandy Soils in Agriculture Fields
ChadKamssou KOI, Victor NAGORNY, Otilija Miseckaite, Y...

During evaluation of physical and chemical properties of sandy soils and theirfertility in Southern part of Republic of Chad it has been revealed that some soilshave very high content of strontium. Its content varies from 10 to 270 mg/kg ofsoil depen...

Agricultural Training and Its Impact on Food Crop Production in Cameroon
CameroonMbu Daniel Tambi

Agricultural training has an important position in agriculture development, food security and poverty alleviation in Cameroon. The objectives of this study are to examine the impact of agricultural training on food crop production; determine the fact...

Agri-Tech and Digital Services
ICTs and Improvement of Agriculture in the North West Region of Cameroon
CameroonWuchu cornelius Wutofeh

This report evaluates the link that exists between ICTs and the promotion of agricultural activities. It presents forms of ICTs within the region, agricultural practices, and how they interact to enhance development. Qualitative and quantitative rese...

Research and Development
GIEWS – Global Information and Early Warning System Country Brief – Zambia

FOOD SECURITY SNAPSHOT: Adequate rains favour 2020 crop conditions in most parts of country Cereal production in 2019 declined for second consecutive year to below‑average level, driven by rainfall deficits Imports in 2019/20 (April/May) exp...

Research and Development
Role of farmers organizations to agricultural development in Mezam Division, Cameroon
CameroonMathias Fru Fonteh, Kenette Fru Mbangari, Guillaum...

This study was carried out from January 2018 to March 2019 in Mezam Division of the North West Region of Cameroon on the role of farmers’ organizations to agricultural development, particularly the case of the Program for the Improvement of Competive...